I just felt like shopping today. It is cold, but the sun is out, it seemed like the perfect day for a drive to Target. I took my little buddy with me. He made out like a bandit: new shoes, new rug for his room, new underwear... and this blue bear head blanket. Now this blanket really would have come in handy about 8 months ago when I was looking for it. We have the exact same blanket already (in brown), that he has slept with everyday since he was about a month old. This August we thought it was time to find a backup since he was going to daycare and grandmas and we didn't want to be without it...well there were none to be found. So we suffered through with one "snug-ma" as he is called. Many hours of my life have been spent searching for snug-ma. Now we have 2. Life is good.
Ahh...I completely understand about needing two of the sleeping blanket/bear/cuddletoy. Glad you had a fun day shopping with your boy!